Friday 18 April 2014


Ngari is a fermented fish product locally prepared from some fish species mainly the Punties species which have been most widely used by the peoples of Manipur. Puntius sophore ( locally known as Phabou nga) is exclusively used for Ngari preparation.

It is one of the basic ingredients of all Manipuris household in the area accounting to its taste, beneficial properties and strong appetizing nature. Because of its increasing popularities, its quality as a food product has grown into other states of Northeast.


Ngari Kharung


Ngari shop

Ngari is easily available in Ema market Imphal and mostly in every local place of Manipur.


Iromba is one of the vegetable chutney, whose main ingredients are ngari, chillies and boiled vegetables such as hawaimubi, potato (alu), and yongchak(sataw beans) adding some maroi mapang.
Iromba is the favourite of not only the manipuris but also amongst non-Manipuris. Manipuris couldn't survive without ngari  so they are mainly depend on it.


1 comment:

  1. How about adding some pictures, a look at how ngari is made and some recipes where ngaris are used?? Would make the blog come alive...
